METEO ALERT: Schedule & Tracks Variations
25 July 2019
Depending on the very bad weather forecast for Saturday 27 July 2019,(thunderstorm precipitations from Saturday afternoon to the entire night) to grant the safety of all participants, volunteers and all the staff involved in the event, the organization has decided to make changes to the regular schedule of the Gran Trail Orobie and Marathon Trail Orobie competitions .
We are confident that you will understand that our decision has been taken in order to give you the opportunity to enjoy, even if not in its entirety, the race you have been waiting for a long time.
After a whole year of work it is a painful choice but necessary to guarantee the safe execution of the event.
Further developments will be communicated via the web on the official website, on Facebook and Instagram social channels and via newsletter.
Worry about being constantly informed about updates!
Gran Trail Orobie
New path, starting time & time barriers
The original route is shortened with the departure from the Passo di Zambla at 7:00 am on Saturday 27.7
New distance and elevation gain: 42 km + 1900mt.
New bus departure time from Bergamo to Start Line (Passo di Zambla) from the Race Office: 5:00 am on Saturday 27.7
New maximum race time: 11:00 hours and 2 New Time barriers.
New Competition schedule
Saturday 27 July 2019
- 05:00 am Start Bus BergamoRace Office> Passo di Zambla
- 06.00 am athletes roll call @ Passo di Zambla
- 07:00 am Start GTO @ Passo di Zambla
- 12:30 pm Time Barrier @ Selvino (5:30 race time)
- 3.30 pm Time Barrier @ Maresana (8:30 race time)
- 6:00 pm Closing race @ Città Alta (11:00 race time)
The event OUT as of today, Thursday 25 July, has already begun and the organizational costs have already been fully incurred, therefore no direct reimbursement will be provided.
Since this decision is dictated by force majeure, the organization still offers the possibility on an extraordinary basis (outside the regulation) for those who not decide to participate in GTO 2019 on the new track to move the registration to the Gran Trail Orobie 6th Edition 2020, with
a 40% discount on the valid price range at the time of registration.
It is mandatory to communicate this decision by email to with the subject "Postponement GTO 2020" indicating in the body of the text the request with registration data for the 2019 edition (name, surname, date of birth, ID) within and not later than 31 August 2019.
Terms and conditions will be communicated later.
Those who decide to move the registration to 2020 are still entitled to collect the goody bag, only at times and in the manner specified in the original program.
Marathon Trail Orobie
New starting time & time barriers
MTO will take place on the Original track.
New departure time: from San Pellegrino Terme to 6:00 am Saturday 27.7
New bus departure time: from Bergamo to San Pellegrino at the Race Office: 4:00 am Saturday 27.7
time barrier of Monte Castello at 1:30 pm is removed and
2 new time barriers have been added.
The maximum race time remains 12 hours.
New Competition Schedule
Saturday 27.7
- 04:00 am Start Bus from Bergamo to San Pellegrino Terme
- 05.00 am roll call @ San Pellegrino Terme
- 06:00 am Start @ San Pellegrino Terme
- 0:30 pm Time barrier @ Salmezza km 22 (6:30 hours of competition)
- 3:30 pm Time barrier @ Maresana km 33 (9:30 hours of competition)
- 6.00 pm Gate closed race @ Città Alta (12 hours of race)
Bergamo Urban Trail
No changes to the route and to the schedule.
BGUT will starts on the Original Route from Campo Utili, Bergamo, at 8.30 pm Friday 26.7.